Sunday, March 27, 2011

Morning After Pill Abortifacient?

     Many people debate if the morning after pill is a way of abortion and others think that it prevents pregnancy so there is no harm. Well I used to think it wasn't but after researching many sites and reading clearly the labels on these pills, I have beginning to think this is true. You wouldn't think that your killing the pre-born baby inside you but you are. Once you have unprotected sex or what ever the case is but once the sperm and egg join scientists have said that once this happens a human being is created. Once fertilization has occurred you have created a little someone. In the emergency contraceptives such as Plan B and Preven if you read careful you will see that it says prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus wall. The fertilized egg is made and then the beginning of human life begins once they join but when it tries to attach itself to the wall. The pill prevents this from happening so the pre-born baby is made and goes down the fallopian tube and since it's not getting any nourishment and room for it to grow it dies within 1-7 days of life because it never attached the wall. Many people think that it prevents the sperm from joining the egg but that already happened. Many women kill their baby without even knowing it, they don't even realize that their pregnant to begin with and by taking the pill they are having a chemical abortion.

Many people may have not thought of this but it is something to think about, about what your really taking and what are the real effects. People should just be more careful with what there doing and think about the consequences. They never really explain what is really happening and never let the people know that they are really pregnant to avoid the thought of using the pill is a way of abortion. In this video you can see how the pill works.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard of this i thought it was perfectly safe and that your are not killing the baby because the pill was suppose to prevent you from getting pregnant in the first place. This is very informative thanks :)
