Monday, May 16, 2011


                          Recently, I've been into dance a lot. I guess because am taking dance, I wanted to learn more about it. There are many types of dances. One type is Modern Dance it started in the 1920's. The well known dancers that began this were Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis. This was a beginning of something new before people used to dance ballet but then people got bored and wanted a dance to be able to explain there mood and what they were feeling. They used their bodies to show what they felt like to show their happiness, passion, fear or sadness. In modern dance dancers get to be more creative and were different clothes than you would wear in ballet.
                             Ballet is a formalized, structured performance dance. It originated from the Italian renaissance in the 15th century. This is a very common dance any most children at a young age join ballet dancing. Ballet is usually danced to classical music. One thing I especially like about ballet is pointe. I find it so amazing when the dancers stand on there toes. That is a hard thing to achieve and it takes a lot of practice and first you must take ballet then you would be able to pointe. You must have a lot of practice because if you try to do it without practice you can really get hurt.
                        Jazz Dance is used mainly in commercials,television shows, movies, music videos. It has many high jumps, quick turns, unique moves, a lot of movement and moving a lot of feet. Jazz dance it used to express the person itself and show their personality. In this dance you show a lot of energy and have fun with the dance. One of the persons to create many moves in jazz dance is Jack cole. It has many leaps and music that is fun and energetic. In this type of dance you would wear tight clothes to show of your movements.

Monday, May 2, 2011


                                    Existentialism is when you believe you have no reason in life that humans have no meaning. That you only live life when you find that purpose in your life to live. When you live every minute to the fullest and live your life like if your going to die. Existentialists also believe there is no god that you make your own decisions. You are responsible for your actions and you are to blame for what happens to you. Also when you understand that some things have no answer. Just because there is no purpose in life shouldn't mean you should live life without purpose. That there is no predetermined nature and that you are free to act independently.
                                The movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind" is a existentialist movie because it goes with what existentialism is about.  One of the quotes I like that is very existentialist is when one of  the main characters  Clementine Kruczynski says "Im always anxious thinking I'm not living my life to the fullest, you know? Taking advantage of every possibility? Just making sure that I'm not wasting one second of the little time I have". This is how existentialist think that there going to die anyway so they have to at least find a purpose in living. Like Clementine in the movie enjoys her life and does things without the fear of death like when she went to the frozen river. She also says" I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but I'm just a fucked up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind". Many people try to find meaning through someone else but in reality everyone is alone and you have to find a purpose in life. In the movie the main character Joel notices that he messed up and wants to just erase Clementine from his memory but in the end he realizes he is responsible and that you can't fix things because you choose what you wanted to do like he chose to talk to Clementine and decided to be with her. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Is teen pregnancy becoming a trend?

 Well people might not be noticing this but more and more teens are getting pregnant. It's starting to become like a trend, I know many girls that actually got pregnant on purpose. They thought getting pregnant was cute and having a baby would be cute. All the responsibilities that come from it are hard and if your not ready or at the right age it can be very difficult and dangerous. In they stated that some teens don't even know that they are pregnant and they use alcohol and drugs which can put the baby in danger. Other don't get enough prenatal care because they are afraid of telling their parents and deny the fact that it is happening. In a article in they say that the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. More and more teenagers are getting pregnant before there 20's. I think it has to do with teenagers not caring about if they should use contraception or not. When talking to my friends they have told me that it doesn't matter because they believe nothing will ever happen and if anything they can always use an emergency contraception. They would also like to have a baby because they are "in love" and they think it will last for ever and feel by having  a baby they can live together. They only feel "in love" within the first months of dating and once they get pregnant everything changes and they usually doesn't last leaving many single mothers.

I also feel like television shows are promoting this by making shows were teenagers are pregnant. Like the show "16 and Pregnant" ,I feel by showing them there only promoting teen pregnancy. Many teens see this and see all the hard things they go through but they also see it as cute and be like it must not be that hard if they can overcome things then I can too. In reality it's a lot harder and sometimes you won't get parents that will help you pay for the baby or get you an apartment. It's hard! I just think more girls should think things more throughly and should try hard to become something better to give your child a better life

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Teen drug and alcohol abuse

     Recently teens have been drinking and taking drugs more and more recently. They just do his because maybe it will make them feel better for a while and they want to take something to take their mind of there problems. Most teen while doing this won't think that they'll become addicted but it happens. While they get addicted they will develop health problems, start loosing focus in school and fail classes, mood swings, lose motivation, depression and separate from there friends and family. Teens are becoming addicted at a younger age because they are being exposed to drugs and alcohol at a  earlier age. Teens as young as 13 have already tried drugs. I think it's sort of parents fault if they don't realize this happening and put in an end to it. I think this is also because parents are of to work early and don't be involved in there child's school to even see if there attending school.
I know people that as soon as there parents are of to work they invite their friends over. Then more and more teens are missing out on school and are taking drugs or alcohol which over time makes them addicted. It's really easy for teens to get there hands on these things which makes it hard to stop. They might just do it once to join the crowd and because everybody is trying it but then it becomes a habit. About half of junior high and senior high school students drink alcohol  on a monthly basis according to They also say that 14% have been intoxicated in the past year. Teens usually abuse alcohol with drugs too. This is a big issue in america I just think parents should take more action.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Morning After Pill Abortifacient?

     Many people debate if the morning after pill is a way of abortion and others think that it prevents pregnancy so there is no harm. Well I used to think it wasn't but after researching many sites and reading clearly the labels on these pills, I have beginning to think this is true. You wouldn't think that your killing the pre-born baby inside you but you are. Once you have unprotected sex or what ever the case is but once the sperm and egg join scientists have said that once this happens a human being is created. Once fertilization has occurred you have created a little someone. In the emergency contraceptives such as Plan B and Preven if you read careful you will see that it says prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus wall. The fertilized egg is made and then the beginning of human life begins once they join but when it tries to attach itself to the wall. The pill prevents this from happening so the pre-born baby is made and goes down the fallopian tube and since it's not getting any nourishment and room for it to grow it dies within 1-7 days of life because it never attached the wall. Many people think that it prevents the sperm from joining the egg but that already happened. Many women kill their baby without even knowing it, they don't even realize that their pregnant to begin with and by taking the pill they are having a chemical abortion.

Many people may have not thought of this but it is something to think about, about what your really taking and what are the real effects. People should just be more careful with what there doing and think about the consequences. They never really explain what is really happening and never let the people know that they are really pregnant to avoid the thought of using the pill is a way of abortion. In this video you can see how the pill works.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Make a change

Everybody loves meat they can eat it all day. There are many different types since their are many different types of animals. Did you know that by changing your food diet you can help the environment? Yes, by just eating less meat and more green you can help the environment and minimize global warming. Eating meat and dairy products creates global warming because raising animals and producing meat produces a lot of the green house emissions. When people just grow simple plants they don't harm the environment and they actually help keep the air clean. By eating meat it's hard because taking care of animals is hard work and wastes the environment natural resources. To take care of them large amounts of water and land is used as well as grain and fuel. Every year half of water sources, one third of fuels, and 70 percent of grain is used in the United states to grow land. Another thing on how you help is when you stop eating meat you decrease animal cruelty. Animals are being hurt and suffer a lot by being packed in factories by not eating you can stop this too.
            Another thing you may have not known was that you may think seafood is a lot better than regular food but it may be actually harming you more. Through the research study of the Chicago Tribune and Rutgers University it shows that seafood has high levels of mercury more then people think. Mercury can really damage you if you have a lot of it. It can damage the nervous system of children and fetuses which decreases memory and attention span and other affects. To adults it causes fatigue and numbness in their hands and feet. Eating this may also increase heart attacks. Im not saying you should just stop eating meat in total because that's hard and you do sometimes need meat in your body. By just eating less of it and eating green and healthy you can save the planet and animals!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Disaster after disaster!

Japan has been very unlucky recently. Not only did it have one of the greatest earthquakes that even moed the earth by 2.4 meteres. It was so strong the earthquake started up a tsunami which left Japan destroyed. Many people were swept up, buildings, homes, everything was destroyed. The earthquake was at a 8.9 magnitude being one of the largest Japan has every got. It made a great impact because it also moved the coastline and changed the earth on it's axis. Parts of Japan moved closer to the United states about 13ft.
As the earthquake occured  along the coastal area of Japan it dropped 2 feet and this made the tsunami travel faster into the land with a greater impact pulling on all the houses and destroying everything. Since it moved on it's axis the length of the day was shortened by a few second.The tide took more than 1,000 bodies, rescue workers run out of bags and crematoriums are overwelmed with too much people. This even affected the stock market many industries stopped exporting because of the water, they were big Japanese industries like Toyota and Honda. 

              Before                                                                                         After
Since the tides hit eveything they pushed around all the cars and boats. In the top picture above you see that the boats just crashed into each other and spilled their oil in the ocean. All of this ruined the ocean by contaminating it with oil. in the before and after pictures you see how it destroyed everything that nothing was left. Roads and everything were missing and there was smoke and everything was on fire. In some places the fire even reached 10 feet. You can read more about the earthquake

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How television has changed over the years

                While watching television now I realized that it has changed a lot. Like before in shows they would always censor anything that was inappropriate. Before they wouldn't even show a married couple sleeping in a bed they would be barely shown in the bedroom together. They wouldn't show any nudity or sexuality. If there was an actress to be shown in a bra or having sex with a man while not being married  like in the movie "psycho" they would think that she's wild. Now it has completely changed now there are all types of shows on television showing everything. They show nudity, sexuality,  drug use,  and all sorts of things. They have more and more reality shows because people want to see drama and shows that can relate to them.  The shows they show on Mtv now are entertaining but sometimes I don't think they should make it like so simple. For example these teenagers have party's and drink and do drugs and they don't get caught, or no one says anything to them for drinking it seems like their parents don't care. In reality I don't think all the parents would be like that and be fine with their kids doing this. I just feel that by society making more t.v shows like this it makes children think it's so easy to get away with things so easily. Television makes there shows more realistic that soon were not going to be able to tell if it's real or not.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Gay marriage

                 Many people go against Gay marriage because they feel it is wrong and it go against their religion. It shouldn't be allowed because some people find it wrong it shouldn't be a bout religion. State and church should not mmix in the first place and people deserve to have the same rights as other. In the New York Times it recently had an article that said that President Obama declared the Defense of Marriage act of 1996 the law was unconstitutional. They should just stop making laws  against gay marriage because people will never give up. Even though the President opposes Gay marriage doesn't mean he will make laws against it. He's still trying to make the congress take away the "don't ask don't tell" law which was made to make any person in the military not come out openly. That if they were in the military they could not be gay. This is just wrong because even if you were gay what would it do it wouldn't change anything you would be still fighting for your country, but you wouldn't have to hide who you really are. If they can get this through it will start helping with other thing such as employment discrimination and other things that affect gay people.