Sunday, April 10, 2011

Is teen pregnancy becoming a trend?

 Well people might not be noticing this but more and more teens are getting pregnant. It's starting to become like a trend, I know many girls that actually got pregnant on purpose. They thought getting pregnant was cute and having a baby would be cute. All the responsibilities that come from it are hard and if your not ready or at the right age it can be very difficult and dangerous. In they stated that some teens don't even know that they are pregnant and they use alcohol and drugs which can put the baby in danger. Other don't get enough prenatal care because they are afraid of telling their parents and deny the fact that it is happening. In a article in they say that the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. More and more teenagers are getting pregnant before there 20's. I think it has to do with teenagers not caring about if they should use contraception or not. When talking to my friends they have told me that it doesn't matter because they believe nothing will ever happen and if anything they can always use an emergency contraception. They would also like to have a baby because they are "in love" and they think it will last for ever and feel by having  a baby they can live together. They only feel "in love" within the first months of dating and once they get pregnant everything changes and they usually doesn't last leaving many single mothers.

I also feel like television shows are promoting this by making shows were teenagers are pregnant. Like the show "16 and Pregnant" ,I feel by showing them there only promoting teen pregnancy. Many teens see this and see all the hard things they go through but they also see it as cute and be like it must not be that hard if they can overcome things then I can too. In reality it's a lot harder and sometimes you won't get parents that will help you pay for the baby or get you an apartment. It's hard! I just think more girls should think things more throughly and should try hard to become something better to give your child a better life


  1. I agree with everything that you said above Jessica.Pregnancy in many teens is growing more and more over time. It is hard to believe that a 16 year old girl is pregnant when she is still a minor. Why getting pregnant at 16 when you still have the whole life in front of you to get married and have children wich you can take care of them instead of getting pregnant at 16 and be afraid that your boyfriend is going to leave you or your parents are going to hate you.

  2. I agree with you completely, young girls who want to get pregnant because its "cute" need to think twice about their decision. Taking care of a baby is not only a big resposibility, but you have to give up your teen life for it. You can't go out and half fun everyday because you have to take care of the baby. On top of that, it is very hard to find somebody who is willing to help you and support you and the baby.

  3. I also agree , getting pregnant as a teenager is not "cute" is sad. You have your whole life ahead of you,and instead your suck take care of your child. Many of my friends are also getting pregnant and some feel bad but most are happy because they think their boyfriends won't leave them. In a way I am happy for them because i child is beautiful thing but i know that they will have a hard life . Its a lot of responsibly many have to leave school and get jobs so they can support them self and their new family.
